Monday, June 3, 2013

The Top Ten most read of my Blog Posts

I'm sure you are just as curious as I was as to the most read blog posts of this Blogging Year.  Well I did not look at my most read Blog Posts of All Time until fairly recently, and as of today June 3rd, I make this list.  This list had surprises in it, we cannot deny that at all.  My old fear of having Pagan Blog Project take over my blog apparently was sound, half of this list was Pagan Blog Project, which I switched over to my other Blog: Once 'Round the Temple.  The rest of the list, however, was fairly interesting:

Pagan Blog Project: Eclecticism Pt.1
You will read more on this below...

D&D Origin Month Pt.2: Eye of the Beholder
Looking back on this post, I noticed that I had a lot of padding to make it much bigger than it actually was.  I think I could have summed the Self-Hating Evangelical Bisexual bit.  I also made myself sound a lot dumber and like a certain game reviewer  who complains about the controls sucking when he doesn't even read the instructions, and copies another, more well known reviewer (let's leave it at that, I love his ghost hunting show).

Pagan Blog Project: Eclecticism Pt.2
This was a big step on my blog, and for my involvement with PBP.  Here I tackled a subject so heatedly debated, and unfortunately held onto by a lot of Neopagans, the ole "if it's not nailed down, then its fair game to me" doctrine.  I'm surprised they weren't higher on the list, because this is big shit right here.  I think my analogy with the fanfic of a fanfic was spot on about it.

Looking back on the two posts, I think I was a little harsh on the New Age Movement in them.  I am not anti-New Age nor do I think people in the New Age Movement are dumb.  The New Age and Neopaganism have a shared history if you go back to before they split off back around the time of the Occult Revival in the 19th Century.  I also think new Age stores are really neat, and have an interesting numen about them.  To have that criticism about the Movement is not hate, and I think I came off kind of strong when I wrote the posts.

I still, however, think that both should be given a good read, it's an eye opener, for both the unenlightened and the ones who are visceral about it.

Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves
When I first heard this on Faux News, I thught this would be comedy GOLD!  Looking back on it today, it still is comedy gold.  I love when I get a chance to sarcastically take things to extremes like that, and any excuse for a Beyond Thunderdome reference is a god excuse.  I still think Project Adventure was way worse than Dodgeball, and even though we never officially played it in school, I still prefered it to climbing up poles and trust falls.

I also have an interesting wax-play story, but that's a story for another time...

Me in wax and BDSM, I think you might need this again...

See above for most of the just for this...

Or else it gets the hose again...

This was the only time I ever rolled three 20's in a roll, and to this day I have never seen that again.  I've almost seen two 20's come up, but it is phenomenal how the chances are with this kind of stuff, especially since, if you know how they smooth the dice, you don't actually have a 1/20 chance on a d20 to get the highest roll.

Unless you use these lil buggers...

My first PBP post was also my most viewed one.  In truth, my altars have changed up and moved around my room.  I might, on Once 'Round the Temple, do a look back on that post.

I also want to take a moment to discuss my involvement with PBP on this blog, and how this current post (the Top 10, not the Altars post) cemented my termination with PBP here and moving it to the other blog, and this will be, for the most part, the end of my discussion on real-world religion on this blog.  I had a fear going into this that my involvement will turn my nerdy commentary blog into a Pagan one.  While there is nothing wrong with Pagan Blogs (my other blog is one), that wasn't what Musings of a Lehigh Valley guy is supposed to be at all.  And yet, seeing half of this list be Pagan posts kind of grounded the fear in reality.  It's nobodies fault really, this blog was marketed there, and that brought the crowds.  Build it and they will come, as they say.

That whole month was an interesting walk down memory lane, but none more so than this post.  Here I was going back to my own childhood, way way back.  I remember rereading the whole series of five posts and just shedding that single sexy tear, thinking back on the stories of the past, and reflecting on my much of my life I lived in them.  I really grew as a person playing those games.  And look at me now, I expanded to Pathfinder, The Window and Fable and Fudge, GURPS, and LARPing.  I once denied I was a nerd, I have never been so wrong.

The man in the image to the left is Taylor Lautner, who played the roll of Jacob Black in the movie adaptation of Sucklight..... I mean, Twilight.  We cannot deny that he is sexy.  As a Bi man, even I must admit, sploosh, or whatever the male equivalent of sploosh is (which is sploosh, only with semen).  Normally, ripped men aren't exactly my think, but there are times one must make exceptions.

And yet, Amadeus is, well, let's end this blog post with an embedded video...

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