Saturday, December 22, 2012

I'll See The Hobbit When It Comes To DVD

A while back I mentioned an incident that happened in Philly in which my truck (which, being a Whovian, I lovingly call the Tardis) got towed for blocking a driveway.  Well, it also happened to be my birthday, and what a birthday it was.  My very close friend (whom, from this point forward, after getting permission, will be called by her first name, which is Destiny) invited me down to see her at Temple University, and she graciously helped ne foot the tow bill to reclaim it.
Today Destiny also saw The Hobbit in theaters.  How do these things relate, well, grab a seat and I will tell you.
My original plans for my birthday were the day before to go hang out with Destiny, sleep over, hang out some more, then drive home, EMT class, then Hobbit with my D&D buddies.  And, in a very National Lampoons Vacation fashion, all went topsy-turvy.  I didn't plan to have my truck towed, and I didn't plan on another day sleeping over with Destiny, not that ok complaining, mind you.  To be honest, I deeply wished that I could spend more time hanging out with her.  Destiny is just awesomeness in human form, and I'm not saying that because I know she's reading this blog, I honestly do mean that.  Destiny is the Goddess of Awesome.
Anyway, so the next night I had to drive right to work upon leaving, and Destiny needed to catch the bus home.  Going straight to work meant no Hobbit.  I have yet to go see The Hobbit.  Destiny going today only reminded me that I have yet to do my belated birthday plan that I have been procrastinating on for so long.
I think its because I see movie-going as a social thing, something to do with family or friends.  Going alone just reminds me of how alone I tend to be.  Thing is, and I really hate to turn this post into a sob story, I haven't really hung out with friends before like a year and a half ago.  Middle and High School I spent as a loner, well, if by loner I mean that no one really wanted to hang out with me.  Plus, to quote a preview for the next season of Archer, my "atypical form of autism" (note, I'm undiagnosed, most likely its either Social Anxiety or Aspergers) as I jokingly call it tends to keep me quiet and withdrawn.  So hanging out with people on a regular basis is, well, I'm not saying its alien, but its alien.
I'm sure my D&D buddies or even Destiny wouldn't mind seeing it twice, after all we are all proud nerdy people, but for the time being, I think I might just wait for it to come on DVD.
Wait...before I'm last thing.  I have been uploading these posts from a Blogger app on my phone, and I am aware they format weirdly, just look at the pics from the last post.  I will probably go back and edit them tomorrow after my early Christmas dinner.  Also, next post, NAKED PALADINS!!!!!

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