Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 4 5: My Video Game Earworms

So its May, the fifth month of the year, and its time for a new Five for Five (now called 5 4 5, because numbers are kewl)!

My Top Five Video Game Earworms, those songs that I just can't get out of my head, or, if I do get them out, I can get them stuck again with nary a thought!  Remember that, again, this is MY list, not an overall list of all games ever.

5: Main Theme of Final Fantasy

I think it must be said that no self-respecting game could possibly hate this song.  I'm not even the biggest fan of Final Fantasy and I adore this song.  This is the National Anthem of Video Games, if Games had their own country.  I had this on my IPod, before I stopped using it when ITunes became a monster to work with, and when this song came on, I stayed in my truck and I listened to it.  This song is a testament to the genius of Nobuo Uematsu, a veritable God of Music that he is.  I can only think of a few games this song wasn't present in (and oddly enough, those were the Final Fantasies that, in my honest opinion, SUCKED).  This is one of my favorite Video game songs, but, is definitely not one of the one I think are the catchiest to me.

Game: Most Final Fantasies
Systems: You seriously want me to list all of the systems Final Fantasy games were on ?!?

4: Grandia Battle Theme 1

It should be obvious that a game I LOVE would be on this list.  I LOVE Grandia, and the music was one of the major reasons why.  A lot of songs could be on this list, but of them, the first Battle Theme seems to be the one that sticks the most.  It makes an appearance in a lot of things I do.  Background music for D&D, there it is!  My RPG Maker 2000 game, there it is again!  It's replaced until the Final Boss battle by a less memorable song when Disk 2 starts.  The Final Boss theme incorperates this song into it.

Game: Grandia
System: PS1

3: Soviet March

Yes, I am quite aware this is a remixed version, but this is my favorite version

I never played the Command and Conquer series, but I have seen it played.  In fact, I would not have known this song existed if it wasn't for a bored night on YouTube.  First things first (but not necessarily in that order), The World War II and the Cold War are two parts of history that interest me, as much as the Axial Age and the Roman Empire (and the Three Kingdoms period of China), so I found this song during one of my boring-for-you-yet-fun-for-me research binges, and in my head it stuck.  For example, while cleaning up at Dystopia Rising, I gave a cute Red Star girl a ride back to her camp, and then to her car (Red Stars, for those who don't kow, are a Straine of Humanity in the LARP that are basically genetically pre-disposed to Communism).  After dropping her off at her car, I spent the rest of clean up humming this song to myself.  Even things that have nothing to do with Red Alert 3 make me think of this song, damn!

Game: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
System: XBox 360, PS3, Windows, MacOS

2: Credits Theme from A Link To The Past

A while back I did a blog post on Weddings/Handfastings for a little thing I am a part of called Pagan Blog Project.  In there I mentioned that, music wise, I wanted string and wind instruments.  This is the song I had in mind when I typed that.  This is my favorite song in any Zelda game, and is one of my favorite video game songs (though not the catchiest).  It comes, obviously by the name, at the end of one of my favorite Zelda games, and was one of those moments when, after hearing it my first time, kind of did have a sort of post game cry-fest.  Every time I hear this song I take time to pause and reflect.  This song also does, sometimes, make me think of handfastings.  It doesn't help that its easy for me to think of this song.

Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
System: SNES, GBA

1: Katamari Damacy (Katamari On The Rocks)

Is it REALLY a surprise, the music from this game was just so catchy.  And I'm ready to be smacked for this, I haven't really played Katamari Damacy, I have played it a few times, but only when I borrowed it, and before my one friend went to college, so its been a few years.  But I will still find myself going "lalalalalalala KATAMARI DAMACY!"  In fact, all the songs on the soundtrack were catchy, but by far this one took the cake for me, that and Katamari on the Swing (which would probably be 6th if I extended the list).

Game: Katamari Damacy
System: PS2

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