Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To Find a Comic Book you have Trouble Finding

One should bring me along to the comic book store.  This step isn't too hard, I am a very good passenger, I won't even change your music or anything.  You have rules about no drinking, eating, smoking, having sex, having ones head out the window like a dog, etc, I will obey them.

Now at the comic book store, let me wonder around and look at interesting things.  Maybe the store also sells games like Talisman or Catan (though I'm really not that interested in Catan).  Maybe they have models or Marvel heroes or mutants from the X-Men, or even Batman (my favorite DC superhero btw).  Now, the important thing with this step is to let me look at said interesting thing.  Let me hold it in my hand, check the price tag, or whatever.

Now this is the hard step, since it has the possibility of making you look bad for bringing me in, or maybe getting us kicked out, but let me make an accidental mess with said item.  I am usually careful, but accidents happen.  I'm not the kind of guy who gets overly excited and plays with something randomly making the mess like that, sometimes I put it back in an awkward way.  What?  I'm no Engineering major!  I don't know how to put something together to be structurally sound.  I only know how to put things together that look good.

Worst.  Customer.  Ever.
So, you're probably thinking, so you make a mess, so what?


Look into said mess.  Whatever comic book you were looking for SHOULD BE RIGHT THERE.  By right there, I mean pretty much on top of the pile.  Its a guaranteed method proven scientifically in a comic book store near where I live.  My friend who was looking for said book since Christmas.  Anyway, feel free to hold the book over your head and do the Zelda Item Get sound.

And that, that is how you find a comic book you have trouble finding!

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