I once stated that alternating weekly posts, D&D Stories and Table Plan, would be a major feature on this blog, and so far, I have in general kept to that... with D&D Stories. However, Table Plan kind of fell to the wayside. What gives Kyle, what gives! Well I would blame this on plain old laziness and putting off Table Plan, but the truth is much more simpler. After all, Occam's Razor and all.
The truth is, I don't really know what to say or talk about with it. I could make it into a monthly thing, so I would have more time to plan, but then it would be the mental equivalent of "out of sight, out of mind." The other thing is that when it comes to DMing, I really don't have many experiences to draw from, and when it comes to world/adventure building, I'm very good with flavor and building a setting. Once I get down to plot and such, I am kind of mediocre, and don't get me started on maps. My thought process on maps is "oh boy, I hope that map is free to use!"
I guess that's why the best DM/GMs have a "help me help you" attitude when it comes to their campaigns. Take, for example, the game I am in now, the one "The Fearless Dragon Slayers" is about. We are not a brute force hack'n'slash "I lift things up and put them down" kind of party. We are a party that is more set on urban and discovery type adventures, with a type of combat that should be worked with a synergistic style (a Rogue with a keen weapon with sneak attack, think of the possibilities). Only one party member is the one set up for combat, but even he has a good role to play in the kind of adventure style we suggested, as a body-guard and an acrobat. Kal and Lazlo are definitely squishy while Boots and Ollie are somewhat squishy, but Krusk is a fucking beast on the battlefield!
Now that our DM knows this, he can now whip us up adventures that can work on this. I can schmooze and sneak attack, Kal can buff and debuff, and Ollie can ask for "donations" to the church of Olidammara and so on and so forth. It's like sex, you have to tell your partner what you like, and your partner has to let you know what he/she likes. Words like harder and faster should not be a discouragement, but a chance to commit and make things awesome! Same with campaigns. You know, I'm starting to wonder if this is turning into a Table Plan?
While on the subject, post-game, we all sat down and talked of this very thing, and the possibility of making our own setting came up. This is "help me help you" in it's ultimate form, and by the Gods is it brilliant!
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