Sunday, October 21, 2012

Belated Comic-Con Experience Blog

I do realize that it has almost been a week and I have yet to post news about my New York Comic-Con experience.  I know I never said that there would be a blog about it, but generally it could be assumed that there would be.  So here it is, for you to read!

But first, a theme for my trip!

The morning bus ride was interesting enough, the bus was full and my friends and I were scattered around the bus taking up the seats left over.  It's kind of awkward, sure, but it beat waiting around for the next bus.  Things wouldn't get awkward again until we got into an accident right before the Lincoln Tunnel.  I guess driving incompetency is everywhere.  Besides that, our trip there was rather uneventful, just wished that I brought like my iPod or my DS so I had something to occupy myself with.  Then again, it's New York City, and we know what they do to people who are occupying.

So we get into the Javits Center, waited in line, I got into my costume as the Tenth Doctor, and went on in.  One thing that immediately amazes you is just the immensity of the place.  This was not the small Anime Festival I went to three years prior.  Damn, I mean this simple center became the Mecca for all things nerdy, and it was glorious!  Not just Anime, but also Gaming (both video and table-top), Comics, Steampunk, Zombies...

And let's not for get Doctor Who! (Yes, that's yours truly BTW)
One thing I was realy looking forward to was meeting Peter Davison, who played the Fifth Doctor from 1982-1984 taking on the role after Tom Baker.  I will admit, I haven't seen a whole lot of the old series, mainly trying to find it online since money is a bit tight right now, but what I have seen I really liked.  I really did like the introduction of the Fifth Doctor in Castrovalva (and the guy in front of me in the autograph line actually brought the DVD to be autographed).  Right before meeting Peter Davison, I hit up the Doctor Who booth, getting the above picture taken by a girl I believe was dressed as Princess Zelda, and getting a print of the Dalek/Ironside "To Victory" poster.
I think one of the most unexpected finds, besides Dystopia Rising, was the announcement of an HD remake of Okami.  I loved Okami, and I have yet to play Okamiden.  Then again, I love games that let you explore and take in the world around you.  This would explain my love for Zelda-esque adventures, Metroidvanias, RPGs in general; as well as why I fail miserably in games like Call of Duty.
How I picture myself in Call of Duty (second reference to this episode of Archer... damn lol)
I once wrote an essay on the sort of metaphysical nature of such huge gathering of niche communities, and how they take the form of a sort of civil religion.  I know people who have their who year revolve around Comic-Con like how the Jewish culture has new year on Rosh Hashana or the Neopagan Samhain (more on Samhain soon BTW).  I certainly do feel this presence while at Comic-Con.  Free Hugs, more than just a physical embrace, can also represent the sort of emotion hug one gets upon entering.  Here the nerd is welcomed, and is at home.  It is not every day we get to let our freak flags fly and get down and nerdy.

The ride home was rather uneventful, and a late dinner at a local diner back in my hometown of Phillipsburg signaled the end of that wonderful day.  Soon pictures would be posted, gifts given, and blog posted; yet I still think back to that day.  When the introvert that I am can just let his guard down for twenty-four hours, and just be himself.

It's been eight days since the "New Year," and so far, year 1 is looking like a pretty good year ;)

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