Tuesday, June 12, 2012

To Whom this may Concern:

Welcome to my place where I shall post my musings, thoughts, commentaries, poems, etc.  Before I begin the obligatory first post, I am going to admit that I am going to break the first cardinal rule of blogging, which is post on a regular schedule.  This I will not do.  I will post when I freaking feel like it!  However, I promise at least a post a week or something.

Anyway, let me introduce myself.  I am Kyle.  I live in the New Jersey side of the Lehigh Valley (which is basically only Warren County).  I love to travel, especially to interesting locales and such.  I am a Zelda Fanatic and a total Whovian.  I always like to write, and I haven't in a while, and I'm hoping this will get me back into writing.  I have four cats, and I'm a cat guy, I just find them adorable.  I would say I'm a Spiritual guy, but I tend not to make a big deal out of it.  I tend to a pretty closed book when it comes to my emotions.  Sometimes that and my shyness are my biggest detriments.  I do gaming videos on my youtube channel (GrapeFruitAwen).  It's named as such because Grapefruit was a nickname I had once, and Awen is a Celtic term for poetic inspiration.  I'm also going to start posting videos there as well, since there are currently none.  I love decorating things, and if I took the time to clean a bit in my room, I would have more things decorated.  A meeting point of home decorating and traveling means that I have quite a few maps.  I have a pretty nice globe, a globe of the moon, a reproduction of a world map dating back to the 1600's, a more modern map, and a map of the first world of Dragon Warrior III (because it is basically our world, and it's also one of my favorite video games).

That's me in a nutshell...

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