Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman, and living in the Boonies

I am basically doing nothing but sit down and watch nothing but Kitchen Nightmares and Doctor Who later, and a Wal-Mart trip, ooooooooooooooooooooh so exciting.  But this what happens when one lives kind of in the boonies.  Most of my friends don't live near me, so I make do with the internet, Facebook being a major help, when it's not giving me grief on logging in with my Android.  I mean, what business does some random bloke in Illinois want with hacking my profile?

So yesterday, I hung out with my friend Kellie and we decided to watch Snow White and the Huntsman.  I feel a bit odd going into this, having already watch both Brad Jones and Noah Antwiler (The Cinema Snob and Spoony respectively) give their takes on the movie.  She wanted to see it for a while, and I just wanted to see Chris Hemsworth, my new favorite Australian actor.  I didn't think it was too bad a movie, at least I now have evidence that Kristen Stewart actually can act, well sort of.  My chief complaint is that it feels like we're watching a movie with ADHD, going from location to event on a whim it seems.  I make the comparison to other Fantasy/Adventure movies like Lord of the Rings.  In LOTR, they do go to many locales, but each locale had a purpose and a personality and history to it.  You could feel attachment to Rivendell and to Minas Tirath, and revile places like Mordor, and celebrate Helm's Deep, and feel loss with Moria.  Here in Snow White Land, not so much.  I mean, there's the Dark Forest, and then suddenly a Fairy Forest, and then just regular every day forest, and forest in winter.  I made the riff that they were just walking in circles in the same forest when Snow White makes mention about being somewhere before.  What can I say that those two luminaries of reviewing and comedy gold haven't said, besides making 101 Dream Lord jokes about the one dwarf, since he played the Dream Lord on the Doctor Who episode Amy's Choice.

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