Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Random Mope

I have such amazing plans for today.  Printing out job applications so I can get a job and make some money, maybe enjoy nature fresh from a good rain-storm, perhaps watch some X-Files and finally finish up my replay of Grandia.  Its beautiful out, my room feels comfy, not muggy or like an icebox, and in eight days I get to go and see Destiny again, and three days till I play D&D.  And speaking of Destiny, I'm staying at her dorm for three days, I get to spend time with this amazing woman for three days.

So I log on to my laptop to put the applications on my thumb-drive, and then this little random thought floats through my head: "Why do I feel so ugly?"

POOF!  Here I am now, such wonderful plans, and having a mope.  I mean, I recovered quite quickly, don't get me wrong, but damn!  I'll be at the library, print-outs will end up costing more than I thought, everything will be slushy so I can't enjoy nature all too much, and my room will end up feeling like the Amazon during the rainy period.

I just have to keep myself focused on the positive.  I have to remember that these applications can lead to jobs, that nature still looks beautiful after a heavy rain, no mater how much the ground would like to do a quicksand impersonation, and no matter how muggy my room gets, it always feels amazing and cool at night when I sleep.

So, question to any of my readers who are feeling brave.  What do you do to keep positive?  What gets you through the mopey moments of life?  I keep focused on the future and remember the flip-side of every bad thing.

The way I see it, life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things.
The Doctor - Episode: Vincent and the Doctor

Hopefully today will be another thing on your pile of good things.

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