Wednesday, February 20, 2013


So I'm sure it's no surprise that I am a fan of kurtjmac's Far Lands or Bust.  In a recent video, Kurt discussed the concept of fear, both as a personal experience and as a scientific idea.  At the end of his video he stated that we should discuss our own fears in the comment section.  So, obviously, I am going to make a whole blog about FEAR!

Fear effects us all.  For example, this Koopa just saw Mario using 
another Koopa to get 99 Lives
 My first and biggest and omnipresent fear is a fear of bees and wasps.  Yes, those black and yellow stingy things, that fly around, make nests, make terrific honey, and terrify the living shit out of me.  Honestly, ever since I was four and stung for the very first time!  It was at a pumpkin patch, and I found this amazing pumpkin.  However, a wasp claimed it as his own and didn't take kindly to a human like me coming by and claiming it in the name of Kyleland (it's totally a real place yo).  Unfortunately, the patch was run by idiots who, in an attempt not to be sued, freaked out, freaking me out, and giving me medicines and such that I don't even remember.  I don't even know if they injected me with an epi-pen or not.  Since my dad was at work and mom was unable to get me, I had to be picked up by my grandparents on my father's side.  While they are really nice folk, they aren't the most loving in general, so I spent the next hour or so curled up in the fetal position with only my pumpkin to calm me.  Ever since then, nope, can't even be within a close proximity.

In fact, my melissophobia is so strong, even a picture of a wasp gets me paranoid.
So instead, he is a picture of a heavy metal band which is called W.A.S.P.
A secondary fear that I have is a fear of, I wouldn't say abandonment, but more loneliness in general.  This sucks because I generally don't spend a lot of time with others.  I mean, I hang out with friends every once in a while, play D&D every other Sunday, and every so often go see the Goddess of Awesomeness (aka Destiny, for those who don't remember me calling her that before).  However, when I'm alone sometimes my thoughts just run and run like Lance Armstrong on steroids.  Sometimes these are not so nice thoughts., let's leave it at that  Thankfully, keeping myself occupied keeps this at bay.  So I make campaign adventures, blog here, play video games, read, go out for walks, etc.  Actually I wouldn't even call this a fear per say either, I guess it's more along the lines of "I really don't want to confront the dark shadows of my mind on my own" kind of thing.

Well all of this talk of fear and shit like that calls for something better and brighter, so let's talk about something I enjoy.  Interesting and funny pictures, like....

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